Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weightloss/ Heatlhy Living Diet Tips

Hi guys,

I was watching some beauty videos on youtube a few days ago when I came across a lot of healthy living videos, particularly one by CheckInTheMirror (One of my favorite gurus).  This inspired me to film my own healthy living video which I have for you right here:

1.  Don't over restrict your caloric intake.  Resolve will crumble... body will weaken... STARVATION MODE
2.  Stay well hydrated
3.  Avoid sugary drinks
4.  Eat small snacks throughout the day
5.  Avoid carbs at night
6.  Set a time to be done eating by at night (Around 7pm)
7.  Indulge (every once in awhile)
8.  Switch it up
9.  Don't beat yourself up (Don't even think about it!)
10.  Find the My Fitness Pal app for the iphone

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