Friday, February 17, 2012

Blender Bottle Review

Hey Guys!

I was browsing through my old posts when I realized how infrequently I’ve been fulfilling the health segment of my blog.  I usually stick to fashion and beauty youtube videos, which is why health (which is just as important) falls on the backburner.  Although, my health posts are pretty scarce, it’s a major part of my day-to-day life.  I figure today is the day to break my hiatus by talking to you about one of my newest obsessions.

About the bottle:

You might say that it’s just a bottle, but oh… it is so much more!  The Blender Bottle is a relatively new phenomenon to catch on.  I’ve seen these sold in many health and supplement stores along with my local 24Hr Fitness club.  The bottle itself is really nice for on-the-go use because of its sturdy closure, and is ideal for keeping track of intake due to the handy measurement along the side.  So far I’ve described a really nice water bottle, but what makes this bottle really special is the golf-ball shaped whisk that comes tucked away inside.  The whisk is great for blending ingredients inside of the bottle efficiently and mess free. 


My reason for purchasing this bottle was to blend my own protein shakes when I’m on the go.  Anyone who’s tried to blend their own protein drinks knows that most protein powders are not the most delicious, the worst being when mid-chug you gulp a glob of dried powder (Yuck).  Since using the Blender Bottle I have been clump free! J  In my excitement about my new find I decided to visit the Blender Bottle website ( to learn more about my purchase.  Along with showing me more of their products, the site was helpful in showing me how else to use my bottle.  Some of the uses were a bit self-explanatory (Use it as a water bottle?  Who woud have thought!), but then there were a million and one other great ways to use the bottle in day-to-day cooking (scrambling eggs, making salad dressing, etc).  If you decide to purchase a bottle, I would suggest visiting the website as it can teach you great (healthy) recipes to get you started. My favorite recipe is a healthier indulgence and tastes great!  Go check out the Cinnamon Roll Protein Shake.  You won’t be sorry ;)

Until Next Time,

Evy <3

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