Sunday, September 18, 2011


Hi Everyone!

Where to begin… So this is the condensed story of how I started this blog.  Fact number one:  I am a Youtube ADDICT.  Just show me a cute video of a kitten or throw me a Shane Dawson video and I am set (Shout out to Shane J  You’re kind of the best)!  Fact number two:  I am also CRAZY OBSESSED with makeup; it’s kind of ridiculous.  So I think you can guess what happened when I discovered that people actually posted makeup videos on Youtube.  Complete BLISS.  For a long time I have thought, “Hey Evy, why don’t you start something like that?” but I would always hold myself back worrying that no one would really care about my videos, after all I’m not a pro like Kandee Johnson.  I’m just an enthusiast.  Those were my thoughts up until this morning when I woke up and thought, “You know what?  Why not… This isn’t just about people wanting to hear from me.  Why don’t I just do this for myself?”  So that’s how that happened…  As for this blog, I’ve always been more of a writer, so why not try this too?   Well, now I’m here so here goes...  

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