Monday, December 12, 2011

Guilt-free Bread Substitutes

Moderation is the key to just about any diet.  "Too much of anything is not a good thing" is a great health tip to live by.  This is why I am loving the new low calorie bread trends.  I can now indulge on burgers on a regular basis, as well as fixing myself a healthier breakfast or a good old-fashioned sandwich.  I now keep my pantry fully stocked with these healthier options:

1.  Earthgrains 100% Natural Wheat Thin Buns (100 Calories) - I feel healthy and satisfied when I pair these buns with a Vegetarian Morningstar Chicken Patty

2.  Thomas' Whole Grain Bagel Thins (110 Calories) - I pair one of these with some low fat cream cheese and some fresh fruit to kick start my day with a hearty meal.

3.  La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Tortillas (100 Calories) - I am a sucker for bean and cheese burritos, so I can demolish a pack of tortillas like no other.  I was surprised when I realized how many calories a tortilla could pack, as thin as they are.  The great thing about these tortillas is that as large as they are, they carry less calories than most tortillas of a much smaller size.  More for less?  Sign me up!

4.  Sarah Lee 100% Multi Grain Bread (45 Calories) - Yes, these bread slices are smaller and thinner than your average slice, but your waistline and conscience will thank you later.

Although these substitutes aren't all that you should rely on to maintain a healthy diet, every little bit helps.  You can be healthier with these small changes and barely notice.  As a side note, I purchase all of these items from Raley's supermarkets and to my knowledge they are available at most grocery stores.  Happy eating!  

Evy <3

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