Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Take a chill pill.

So right now I am taking my own advice and dropping the flash cards, closing the books, and just taking a chill pill.  I know that a lot of other people right now must be having the same problem, constantly stressing over dreaded finals.  Unfortunately, there comes a time where you develop the largest brain cramp EVER and the best thing to do is to just relax.

My biggest suggestion for quick relaxation session is guided meditation.  So cut yourself some slack and take a quick 30 minutes to an hour break and check these out:

Iphone App:  Hypnosis Customizable Pack

This app is just a couple bucks, and it's great for those quick little breaks.  As suggested by the title it can be customized to your own needs. Choose your own length, goal (release test anxiety, take a power nap, quit smoking, lose weight, etc) , and background music and prepare to feel that inevitable finals brain cramp melt away.

My all time favorite hypnosis CD is available on itunes by Erick Brown Hypnosis and is titled Achieve Your Goals:  Gain Confidence Using Self Hypnosis & Guided Meditation.  His voice is very soothing, along with all of the background noises.  This album comes equipped with 6 tracks geared towards different relaxation exercises.  Feel free to relax for a good 40 minutes, or if you could just use a quick pick-me-up use the Guided Meditation track for 10 minutes.  Can't possibly break away from the books? Relax while you're sleeping with the "Dreaming Your Future"  track.  If you would rather focus on a different goal than gaining confidence, Erick Brown has a whole variety of meditation CDs available.

Well... back to work I go.  :)


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