Wednesday, December 28, 2011

imPress Press on Manicure Review

Hey Everyone!

So if you have watched my video, you know that I am a huge fan of Influenster.  In a nutshell, they are a company that selects members according to their participation to receive free boxes of a variety of products in exchange for feedback (Starting in 2012 you must be invited to become a member).

One of the products my "Holiday Voxbox" that I received was a package of fake nails from Broadway Nails that works a little bit differently.  They came in the cute packaging pictured above in a set of 24 differently sized nails.  The number they give you is really very helpful, as each one is a different size so you will be able to find a very close fit to your actual nails.  Also, you can use some of the leftover nails (although they might be the leftover sizes) to replace damaged nails later on.

The nails are very easy to apply.  All you need to do is swab your nails with the included alcohol pad to wipe away any oils.  Then it's as easy as choosing the correct nail sizes, peeling off the backing to expose the sticky section, and carefully pressing them over your nails.  I was impressed (No pun intended) by the overall look of these nails.  They have a very nice finish and the red color which I received was perfect for the holidays.  Another pro is that they are very customizable.  Not only because of the extensive sizes, but it's also easy to clip and file them to achieve the desired shape and length.

One thing that I think could be improved upon is this products lasting power.  On the second day my first nail began to detach and I then pulled it off the rest of the way, because I found it to be distracting and bothersome.  I tried to make my manicure last by replacing nails as they became loose with the alternate sizes, trying to make them work.  This bought me an extra day of these beautiful nails, but by the end of the third day they weren't looking their best so I removed them all.

The verdict:  This is not a bad product at all, in fact I would highly recommend them for special occasions.  They look beautiful and I'm sure that you could rely on them to get you through a single event.  This manicure costs around $7, much below the usual rate of a salon manicure.  They are also great for people like me who don't like to take the time to shape, trim, and buff their nails.  This product will give you the instant perfect manicure.  My one complaint would be the product lifespan.

I do want to say thank you to both Influenster and Broadway Nails for giving me the chance to review this product for all of you!

Until next time,
Evy <3

***Although it was not purchased by myself, I can guarantee that this review is completely reflective of my own opinion on the product ***

Christmas Outfit of the Day

How fast Christmas passes us by... It's something anticipated all year long and in a blink of an eye, it's gone.  To preserve the festive spirit for just a little while longer, I wanted to share with you what I wore on Christmas day to get in the holiday spirit.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Last minute DIY gift bags

For all of you Christmas wrapping procrastinators out there (I'm with ya) I thought I'd share this really personal gift bag idea that I first tried a few years ago.  It can be rather time consuming, but here are some reasons you might want to consider it for this year:
1.  It's ecofriendly (reusable, from recycled material)
2.  It feels so great to give someone a gift that you really put a lot of work into.
3.  It feels great to receive a gift that is so personal.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Easy Holiday Makeup -New Tutorial-

Hi everyone!

Want to change up your makeup for the holidays?  Check out this quick, easy, bold look for ideas.

Evy <3

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Outfit of the Day (Comfy Casual)

Check out this makeup look on my youtube channel soon!
Nails:  imPress Press-On Manicure (Review coming soon.)
Lipstick:  Nars - Velvet Matte Pencil in Cruella
Rings:  Vintage

White Lace Bottom Undershirt:  Gottshalks before it closed!
Sweater:  Old Navy
Scarf: Forever21
Jeans:  Hand-me-down (no labels, but still one of my favorite pairs)
Clogs:  American Eagle

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tips 'n Tricks

Hi everyone!

Hope the holidays are going great for all of you.  I know that I'm having fun with my new found spare time to visit with friends and family, and to edit more videos.  Here's a little video filled with easy and inexpensive tips and tricks that I've picked up along my crazy little makeup adventure.  Hope you guys learn something new, and I would love to hear about any tricks that you like to use!  I'll be uploading more of these videos soon, but in the mean time here's part one:

Again, I hope you are having a marvelous holiday season!  Until next time...

Evy <3

Sunday, December 18, 2011 Get Free Products

Have you ever been in one of those situations where the new Urban Decay eyeshadow palette is starring you down, begging you to buy it when your wallet is feeling desperately light?  So has every other makeup junkie around, myself included.  Updating your beauty collection with the latest and greatest is often times pricey, which is why I recently have taken advantage of this fun and rewarding website  Signing up with Influenster is free, easy, and open to anyone.  After registering, be sure to unlock as many badges as you can by taking surveys or even referring Influenster to your personal blog or youtube channel.  Doing these steps increases your chance of being sent a "voxbox" full of full sized products to sample.  I repeat, this is completely free, but optimize your chances of receiving future voxboxes by actively writing product reviews, unlocking badges, and uploading videos.  Trust me, Influenster is worth your time!  I was notified that I would receive my first products only three weeks after participating on Influenster.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Follow the Evmev

Hey guys!

So I just thought it would be fun to sort of try something new, and start a new vlogging channel. Now those of you who watch my beauty videos might not be as interested in this channel, but this is going to be mainly just an outlet for me to talk about other aspects of my life than my interest in the fashion world. In case anyone is interested, I'm posting my first vlogging video down below:

Happy Vlogging!

Evy <3

Monday, December 12, 2011

Guilt-free Bread Substitutes

Moderation is the key to just about any diet.  "Too much of anything is not a good thing" is a great health tip to live by.  This is why I am loving the new low calorie bread trends.  I can now indulge on burgers on a regular basis, as well as fixing myself a healthier breakfast or a good old-fashioned sandwich.  I now keep my pantry fully stocked with these healthier options:

1.  Earthgrains 100% Natural Wheat Thin Buns (100 Calories) - I feel healthy and satisfied when I pair these buns with a Vegetarian Morningstar Chicken Patty

2.  Thomas' Whole Grain Bagel Thins (110 Calories) - I pair one of these with some low fat cream cheese and some fresh fruit to kick start my day with a hearty meal.

3.  La Tortilla Factory Whole Wheat Tortillas (100 Calories) - I am a sucker for bean and cheese burritos, so I can demolish a pack of tortillas like no other.  I was surprised when I realized how many calories a tortilla could pack, as thin as they are.  The great thing about these tortillas is that as large as they are, they carry less calories than most tortillas of a much smaller size.  More for less?  Sign me up!

4.  Sarah Lee 100% Multi Grain Bread (45 Calories) - Yes, these bread slices are smaller and thinner than your average slice, but your waistline and conscience will thank you later.

Although these substitutes aren't all that you should rely on to maintain a healthy diet, every little bit helps.  You can be healthier with these small changes and barely notice.  As a side note, I purchase all of these items from Raley's supermarkets and to my knowledge they are available at most grocery stores.  Happy eating!  

Evy <3

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Take a chill pill.

So right now I am taking my own advice and dropping the flash cards, closing the books, and just taking a chill pill.  I know that a lot of other people right now must be having the same problem, constantly stressing over dreaded finals.  Unfortunately, there comes a time where you develop the largest brain cramp EVER and the best thing to do is to just relax.

My biggest suggestion for quick relaxation session is guided meditation.  So cut yourself some slack and take a quick 30 minutes to an hour break and check these out:

Iphone App:  Hypnosis Customizable Pack

This app is just a couple bucks, and it's great for those quick little breaks.  As suggested by the title it can be customized to your own needs. Choose your own length, goal (release test anxiety, take a power nap, quit smoking, lose weight, etc) , and background music and prepare to feel that inevitable finals brain cramp melt away.

My all time favorite hypnosis CD is available on itunes by Erick Brown Hypnosis and is titled Achieve Your Goals:  Gain Confidence Using Self Hypnosis & Guided Meditation.  His voice is very soothing, along with all of the background noises.  This album comes equipped with 6 tracks geared towards different relaxation exercises.  Feel free to relax for a good 40 minutes, or if you could just use a quick pick-me-up use the Guided Meditation track for 10 minutes.  Can't possibly break away from the books? Relax while you're sleeping with the "Dreaming Your Future"  track.  If you would rather focus on a different goal than gaining confidence, Erick Brown has a whole variety of meditation CDs available.

Well... back to work I go.  :)
