Monday, October 17, 2011

Cold Season Help!

It has been MUCH too long since my last blog post!  For the last week I've been in the theater for an EXHAUSTING run of my ballet company's production of Swan Lake.  I have been so run down that my routine has become a cycle of eat... school... eat... dance... eat.... sleep... repeat.  As rewarding as all that hard-work was, I am now back to a more normal schedule where I can hopefully spend much more time bringing you tutorials and any other beauty related madness that comes to mind.  

This particular blog post is dedicated to all of you busy hardworking people that can't seem to find enough hours in the day, let alone lose them to the flu or just your terrible common cold.  The changing seasons combined with a lack of sleep and excess stress can take a toll on all of you diligent workers (take it from someone with recent experience).  Don't you just wish there was a magical pill that gave you the superpower of an unbeatable immune system?  Well until that time comes, I have two of the next best solutions: Zicam and Emergen-c.  

I am telling you... these two items are the closest I have ever come to immune system magic!  Both are most likely available at your local grocery store.  Zicam functions by giving your body a super dose of Zinc, which helps your immune system to fight the common cold.  My one suggestion, go for the nose or mouth spray.  Yes, this product works miracles... no, it does NOT taste delicious.  Stay far away from rapid melts unless your store is out of everything else.

Now for Emergen-c... This miracle in a fizzy drink mix packet works by infusing your system with a super dose of vitamins including, you guessed it, vitamin c.  Like Zicam, this is no treat for your taste buds.  My advice: avoid the orange flavor and mix this with 7-up or Sprite instead of water.

So there's my little bit of advice for the day!  I hope this helps everyone reading this to stay healthy in their hectic lives.  :)  

 Evy <3

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