Sunday, October 30, 2011

-New Video!- Miss Glambitious 2011/ Product Review

So I know that I already posted about the Miss Glambitious contest hosted by Elle and Blair Fowler along the mark. Cosmetics.  Unfortunately, I did not win the last time I posted a contest video, but the good news is that I was then able to post another!  I hope you enjoy this little mini product review and be sure to check out  for your chance at the contest along with tons of helpful makeup hints :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

True Red - Beauty Blurb

Never underestimate the power of the bright red lip.  Do you only have five minutes to look work/party ready?  Just go with some concealer and powder, a coat of mascara, some bright red lips and you are ready to go!  This is the quickest way to look polished in my book.  This look will work well this season as fresh bare skin and the red lip look are fresh and current. Anyone can pull off this fun look.  It's a bold statement, but paired with a neutral palette can look polished, trendy, and confident.

My personal favorite red would be Nars Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Cruella .  It's a bit richer in color and would probably work best for the darker of complexions.  Another Nars color would be the Velvet Matte Lip Pencil in Dragon girl.  More of a Mac fan?  Go with the lipstick color Russian Red.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Workout Jams!

Hi Everyone,

I think most people can agree that the most difficult part about exercising (especially for me) is actually getting motivated to get off of the couch and start moving!  Once you've got that much covered, you've won half the battle.  I'm not talking to you about exercise necessarily as a weight loss measure, but I firmly believe that it's an important daily activity for anyone.  Stretching out and using your body can help you in your beauty quest by boosting your overall health, moods, confidence, and yes... toning your body along with other great benefits.  Do you have even an extra 10 minutes a day?  Put it to some goods use!  Exercise doesn't necessarily have to be going to the gym or taking a jog; it can be something fun like throwing a dance party in your room (Take a cue from Jennifer Garner in 13 Going on 30), playing with your pets, or dragging your friends to Zumba.  You just want to get your body moving.  If i'm being honest, I would be a complete couch potato if my job didn't require me to be on my feet dancing on average for about 5 hours 6 days per week.

My number one workout tip for all of you would be to turn up the tunes!  Blast your favorite catchy songs and you won't be able to sit still.  Just listening to music that you love can get your heart rate pumping faster and inspire you to get up and move.  I wanted to leave all of you with my top 10 go to workout playlist which will hopefully inspire you to make your own.

1.  One Week by Barenaked Ladies
2.  Hey Mama by Black Eyed Peas (The ultimate dance song)
3.  American Boy Feat. Kanye West by Estelle
4.  Bulletproof by La Roux (I don't know how to sit still while listening to this one)
5.  Americano by Lady Gaga (Queen of dance music... Dance party anyone?)
6.  PYT by Michael Jackson
7.  Black and Gold by Sam Sparro
8.  Give it Up to Me by Shakira ft Lil Wayne (Up for a challenge?  Dance like Shakira :P)
9.  Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club (For all of you hipsters out there)
10.  Starstrukk by 3OH!3

Be sure to comment with your top 10 or even top 1!

Until next time...
xoxo Evy

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Glam Rock -New Tutorial-

Hey again!  I just wanted to remind everyone that I just put up a new youtube makeup tutorial.  I was super excited about this one so I hope you guys like it. :)

xoxo Evy

Glee Series: Rachel Berry

Confession #893:  I am a complete Glee addict, but then again who isn't?  I was sitting on my computer one night watching a rerun on while simultaneously fake shopping on the forever 21 website when I had an idea.  Why don't I fake shop for someone else's style?  That's when it hit me how different all of the women of Glees' styles are.  From that point on I was determined to create this series on my blog. Who better to start with than the show's leading lady Miss Rachel Berry (Lea Michele)?

Thinking back on all three seasons of Glee, Rachel's style is definitely characterized as girly, preppy, colorful, patterned, and uniquely her own.  A various array of shirts with bows, cuddly animals, and puffy sleeves have shown up through out the seasons, along with her other staple items such as pleats, plaid, flats,  short skirts, and knee socks.  Taking Rachel's signature style into account, this is the outfit that I came up with:
I love the fun print and cute animal detailing!
Forever 21 ($19.80) 
Forever 21 ($10.50) - The cute button detailing and short length really screamed Rachel Berry ($8.95)  A Rachel trademark

Franco Sarto Celia Penny Loafers ($69.95 at DSW) Functional and preppy

Forever 21 ($16.80)
Old Navy ($3.50)

And how would a Miss Berry outfit ever be complete without her signature gold star?
Forever 21 ($1.50)

Looking forward to putting together my next Glee outfit!  Until next time...


Monday, October 17, 2011

OOTD -new video!-

So I know that my previous outfit of the day was just a blog post, but I thought I'd try something new and make it into a video.  Let me know which way you guys prefer! Enjoy :)

xoxo Evy

Cold Season Help!

It has been MUCH too long since my last blog post!  For the last week I've been in the theater for an EXHAUSTING run of my ballet company's production of Swan Lake.  I have been so run down that my routine has become a cycle of eat... school... eat... dance... eat.... sleep... repeat.  As rewarding as all that hard-work was, I am now back to a more normal schedule where I can hopefully spend much more time bringing you tutorials and any other beauty related madness that comes to mind.  

This particular blog post is dedicated to all of you busy hardworking people that can't seem to find enough hours in the day, let alone lose them to the flu or just your terrible common cold.  The changing seasons combined with a lack of sleep and excess stress can take a toll on all of you diligent workers (take it from someone with recent experience).  Don't you just wish there was a magical pill that gave you the superpower of an unbeatable immune system?  Well until that time comes, I have two of the next best solutions: Zicam and Emergen-c.  

I am telling you... these two items are the closest I have ever come to immune system magic!  Both are most likely available at your local grocery store.  Zicam functions by giving your body a super dose of Zinc, which helps your immune system to fight the common cold.  My one suggestion, go for the nose or mouth spray.  Yes, this product works miracles... no, it does NOT taste delicious.  Stay far away from rapid melts unless your store is out of everything else.

Now for Emergen-c... This miracle in a fizzy drink mix packet works by infusing your system with a super dose of vitamins including, you guessed it, vitamin c.  Like Zicam, this is no treat for your taste buds.  My advice: avoid the orange flavor and mix this with 7-up or Sprite instead of water.

So there's my little bit of advice for the day!  I hope this helps everyone reading this to stay healthy in their hectic lives.  :)  

 Evy <3

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Quote of the Day

"I never think of myself as an icon.  What is in other people's minds is not in my mind.  I just do my thing." - Audrey Hepburn

Hi Everyone,
Just keep on doing your thing!  You are all unique and different.  Never forget it :)

Much Love,

Friday, October 7, 2011

Urban Decay Cheek Tint Review

Hello again!

As promised in my Zooey Deschanel makeup tutorial, I'm reviewing the new Urban Decay Glide-on Cheek Tint in Quickie.  Although I am a self-professed Urban Decay fanatic, I didn't actually buy this product.  The last time I was at Ulta I received a sample of this product after replenishing my extensive Urban Decay eyeshadow collection.  I'm excited to say that this blush rocked my world!  At first glance the color appeared WAY too pink for my taste, but to my surprise when applied it blended to a much more subdued color.  The color itself is buildable and can be worn as a subtle cheek color or a much brighter hue.  The shade reminds me of a very youthful, healthy, and cheerful color.  Coming from someone with pretty oily skin, this cheek tint is also very lightweight and has no stickiness to the touch.  I think that I almost prefer this formula to a regular powder blush, because it looks much fresher and dewier and is also much easier to control in the application (I just used my fingers).  I'm a pretty busy girl and I don't like to reapply my makeup very much throughout the day and it's nice to know that there's a blush I can count on to stay put for hours.  This blush also seems to be fragrance free.  The only downside that I can tell is that price.  Coming up with $24.00 for a blush can be a bit steep, but for a the quality and size of the product I think that it would be well worth it.

This blush probably won't replace my go-to shade, but I'll definitely get some good use out of it. This product is going to the top of my wishlist :)


Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Zooey Deschanel Inspired Easy Tutorial

Hey guys!

I'm so excited about to have a second tutorial up this week.  I woke up this morning and was just really inspired to film a video.  I picked this look because it's so simple and feminine.  This would be a great look for anyone that maybe doesn't like to look "made-up"  but is just looking for a little extra polish.  I based the look off this picture of ever-so-talented singer/actress Zooey Deschanel:

Enjoy!  ...And as always let me know what you think :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Miss Glambitious 2011

Hello to everyone out there in cyberland!

So... While I was busy making my youtube beauty video rounds last week, I stumbled upon an unwatched Elle and Blaire Fowler video.  As probably most of the youtube beauty community knows, they are hosting a contest along with Mark cosmetics giving away tons of prizes and promoting an all around great message.  Finally when week three came around I got my booty in gear and filmed a super fun entry.  I'm not expecting to win or anything, but I thought it would just be a fun practice since I recently posted my first beauty video.  Anyway, I wanted to leave you with my video response and I wanted to encourage everyone else to film a video too.  If you do, please leave me a link to the video.  I would love love love to watch everyone's responses :)

xoxo Talk to you soon!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trending Now: Great Lengths

Don’t get me wrong, I am a summer girl.  Icecream… swimming… sun…  What more could a girl ask for?  By the time fall comes around,  I am still stuck in summer, dragging my heels, and soaking up every last little ray of sun possible.  Soon enough there comes a time when there is no denying it… fall has arrived, and with it comes homework, all-nighters, mid-terms, and rain; however, I’m forgetting to mention one crucial element of fall…

Fall fashion!  This is where I stop being a Debbie Downer, pick up my heels, and learn to leave summer behind.  I am a sucker for fall fashion.  Layering, rich colors, outerwear, all things that I associate with the beginning of fall.  Sometimes a girl just has to put her best face forward, put the bikini back in the drawer, and cozy up in a warm sweater. 

I already posted a blog a few weeks ago on the ever so sweet polka dot trend.  Today I wanted to introduce a trend that many of you have already probably spotted around town.  Drumroll… The maxi skirt!  It’s been awhile since this floor grazing trend last made an appearance.  Looking through my closet the only floor length skirt I can find is a white tiered skirt last worn in the eighth grade (yes… I am a pack rat).  Time for a wardrobe update?  I think yes.

 Here are some of the cuter maxi skirt options that I found on my online fashion quest:

From ($39), this is just your basic wardrobe essential.

Also from ($73) – Ooh La La!  This sexier style caught my eye right off the bat.  Not only is it maxi, but it also incorporates another fast growing fall trend, daring slits.  This would be perfect for a night out on the town.

Forever 21 ($22.80) – I wish I’d seen this skirt before I wrote my polka dot post!  The polka dots just give this skirt such a fun feminine twist.  I think it’s safe to call this skirt a fall essential.  It incorporates so many fall trends: rust red, maxi, polka dotted, sheer.  What more could a girl ask for?  One thing I want to know is if you guys think this sheer skirt is too daring.  Would you wear this?

As always, feel free to comment with any other fabulous finds!  J

Much Love,
